On September 2, 2024, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) finally released their 75th Anniversary Silver Commemorative coin for purchase on their BSP Store. The coin was scheduled to be available at 1 PM PHT, but during that time, the BSP Store link became inaccessible. It's uncertain if this was due to a high number of users accessing the site at that time or if an unexpected technical issue occurred. However, the BSP Store link became available after business hours.
The 750 Piso Silver Commemorative Coin is one of two commemorative coins minted by BSP to commemorate their 75th year of central banking. The second commemorative coin is a 7500 piso gold coin, and there has been no announcement yet regarding its release to the public.
This marks the 3rd time BSP has released commemorative coins to mark their years of central banking. The first was in 1999 for their 50th anniversary, and the second was in 2019 for their 70th anniversary.
1999 & 2019 500 Piso Commemorative Coins
The 750 and 7500 piso coins are the 2nd set of commemorative coins produced by BSP as colorized. Similarly, the distinctive octagon design can be seen on both the obverse and reverse of the silver and gold coins, similar to the 125th Kalayaan 100 Piso Commemorative Coin that mirrors the eight rays of the sun in the Philippine flag.
125th Kalayaan 100 Piso Commemorative Coin
The BSP commemorative coins can be seen as a testament to the bank's commitment as the country's sole institution to oversee monetary circulation, policy, and stability, continuously evolving with time and technology.
To order this commemorative coin check out the BSP Store now while the supply still lasts.