Do you remember the Millennium Bug? also known as Y2K? It's like an expiration date for old computer systems when the date on their clock reaches the year 2000.
In Numismatics, we can compare the bug to mint errors. Unlike the Y2K scare, an error coin, when discovered, can excite collectors as the imperfection or defect can increase the coin's value.
In the Philippines, the Millennium Year saw the introduction of the 10 Piso Millennium Coin 2000 Series, the 7th coin and the largest denomination in the BSP Coin Series (1995-2017). This coin, minted by the BSP, boasts unique features that set it apart as a first in Philippine coinage. It is a Bimetallic coin with a copper-nickel ring, an aluminum bronze core, and an edge with interrupted serration. The coin showcases the busts of two Philippine Heroes, Apolinario Mabini and Andres Bonifacio.

Minted originally for standard circulation, the 10 Piso Bimetallic Coin also came with a blister pack catering to collectors. Notably, the 10 Piso Millennium Coin, has become uncommon in circulation and has increased in value since its initial release. Locally, it commands a selling price triple its face value or more, while on eBay, the 2000 coin goes for around $50. The 2000 Millennium Coin in blister pack form is equally scarce, with an auction on Moreton in June 2024 resulting in a sale for approximately P1500.
Should you be seeking to complete your 10 Piso series, it is worth noting that this endeavor may prove to be quite challenging and require a substantial budget. It's because, apart from the year 2000, coins from other years in the 2000-2017 10 Piso BSP Coin Series are also scarce.